*Virtue consists, not in abstaining from vice, but in not desiring it.

Here’s a little recap of where we’re at so far:

  1. As humans, we evolved to constantly feel discomfort, cravings and pain—that, unfortunately, can’t be avoided. We have mental wiring that has us compulsively reach for relief through vices.
  2. Because they don’t solve the underlying issue, such actions trigger more discomfort; so more vice grabbing, then even more discomfort, so more vice… which spirals out into binges.
  3. And the result of all that is us feeling perpetually demotivated and apathetic—thus less capable of doing what we have to do to avoid, or at least reduce, discontent and discomfort in the first placed.

Okay… sooo we’re all screwed then?

Well, not exactly. There is a way out.

This is where you might expect me to add,“…but it’ll take some work”, yet I won't be doing that. No point in me assigning you homework—like those exercises they put at the end of chapters in self-help books—if your problem is precisely the inability to do homework.

But that doesn’t mean it’s going to be a cakewalk. To fix something, you often have to pull it apart first. We’ll be lowering your defense mechanisms, which will leave you exposed to discomforts and pain. This is the necessary “work” of the method, if you want to call it that. You will get through it though, you just need to be well prepared.

In addition, the method I’m about to share is counter to what you might expect. In fact, it’s entirely predicated on you challenging and “reframing” many of your beliefs and assumptions about breaking and making habits, hence the name Habit Reframe.

So let’s start there.

Let’s reframe your faulty beliefs while establishing the underlying principals of the method. Then, armed with key take-aways, I’ll guide you through implementing the method through a step-by-step process.

The 6 Essential Reframes


Reframe 1: Redirect the Blame