Your future self will thank you.

Time now to apply everything we’ve established; to put to work all the beliefs we’ve reframed.

What follows is a step-by-step process for you to follow. I suggest you read through it once, then return to it as you go through each step over the coming days and weeks.

The method isn’t linear. It’s iterative. It’s all about starting somewhere with a system—any system—trying it out, seeing what works and what doesn’t, making adjustments and trying again. Repeated enough times, the process will fold into your lifestyle with healthful habits, productive flow-states, and optimised daily routines.

Let’s begin.

Step 1: Adapt your environment.

<aside> ⛔ Prepare for a low/no-tech period. Set up website blockers, delete apps, get rid of junk food from the house etc.


The second step of this method, Step 2, involves an extended period—about a week or so—where you’ll aim to be vice free. You can see it as a kind of “digital detox” if that term doesn’t make you cringe a bit, as it does for me.

So, Step 1 (where you’re at now) involves doing all you can prepare for that by adapting your external environment. Focus on the low-hanging fruit type interventions. Eliminate temptations and easy opportunities to indulge.

<aside> ❗ Note: this period is temporary. You will have the opportunity to reinstall apps and try for moderated amounts of vices later on. I also recognize that some apps and websites are needed for legitimate reasons (e.g. social media for work related networking). It would be best if you can manage the few days with them blocked, but if you really can’t, Step 4 contains some solutions in the Tools section.
